Thank you for visiting my website!
My story
In 2023, I suffered a massive stroke. After the stroke, I literally lost everything. in an effort to rebuild, and learn to live with new disabilities. I have had difficulties getting into housing, My income has been cut by 60%. My medical event destroyed my credit and was the start of many other problems in the future. I have been working towards getting back to some kind of normalcy. As I am running into barriers I’m choosing to make my own path.
My mission
I have decided to fight the adversity of the employment market as there is a large stigma towards Transgender humans, or Disabled humans. I am both. So rather then fight the system in order to become gainfully employed, I have chosen to work for myself. I have already been building marketing bases. So I am going to grow and build and continue down this road. I have a mission to get these businesses started and then use that platform to employ, those with stigmas on them. I am going to be the change I want to see in the world!